South Stage
The South Stage gives the Elite Theatre Company the flexibility to present "irregular" content without displacing productions from the Main Stage. From monthly "Open Mic" nights, special shows like the "Mexican Schools" spoken-word event and the Shakespeare Summer Camp performance, to regularly scheduled fully mounted productions, the South Stage is a more intimate setting of just 45 seats with a "black box" environment.

Life On My Knees
by William Missouri Downs
A Ph.D. in English lit isn't worth the paper it's written on - just ask Dr. Helen Hand. Desperate for a job, she drunkenly agrees to teach at a conservative Bible college in the middle of nowhere Kansas. The problem - she's a skeptic, a liberal, and gluten intolerant. She enters a world of rigid moral rules: no smoking, no alcohol, no doubting. Working undercover, she sets out to enlighten the fundamentalist students, but it quickly goes to hell. This small cast comedy looks at our need for faith and reason.